Julia Lane


I was first introduced to Kinesiology at a young age by my Mum who felt strongly about healing naturally. By my early 20s, after a long mental health battle, I had completely embraced all that kinesiology offered. I experienced first-hand the transformative effects of this modality, and I have since made it my mission to share its potency with others. I am so passionate about empowering my clients with the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal. Feeling inspired by my own wellness journey, I completed a Diploma of Kinesiology at Create Your Reality, College of Kinesiology in 2021.

Kinesiology assists in uncovering the root cause of an individual’s symptoms dysfunction or dis-ease through analysing vital information in the following areas; muscle, organ or gland health, emotional health, mental health, nutritional health and energetic health. In learning many approaches to healing, I incorporate the following methods to restore balance in the body: acupressure points, chakra and meridian balancing, emotional stress release, neurological techniques, nutritional balancing, structural techniques, physiological vials, sound therapy, oracle cards, affirmations, flower essences, crystal therapy, essential oils, and grounding techniques.

I understand deeply the importance of practitioner-client connection and holding a safe space for healing. My approach is gentle, nurturing and transformative. I will honour where you are at on your journey and will work closely with you to determine your needs and restore balance in your body.

qualifications & registrations

Diploma of Kinesiology
IICT Registered