Acupuncture & Meditative Healing
These sessions will support you to:
Trust your inner guidance
Feel more grounded
Access a deeper state of presence
Live from your heart space
We will begin by setting clear intentions and then tune into the frequency of deep presence within the body. This meditative process allows your body to drop into a state of altered brain wave activity, accessing the higher mind for insight, clarity and healing.
Your body will guide the session as to what is needed so each appointment will be unique based on your intention and goals. Through the framework of Chinese medicine we will look at emotional processing and metaphysical storage of stressors in the body and energy (chakra) centres. Acupuncture or acupressure can then be used to support a rebalancing of the whole system. In this meditative state guidance can come through either in your field or mine as images, thoughts, feelings or specific messages through cards.
We will spend time at the end of the session for discussion and integration.
75 minutes ~ $180
*private health available for acupuncture