Heal physical, emotional, mental, nutritional & energetic imbalances

about kinesiology

Kinesiology is a therapeutic tool that uses muscle monitoring as a bio-feedback technique to identify stress in the body and what the body requires in order to restore balance. Generally, an indicator muscle in the arm is used to communicate with the body, where the muscle reflects either a “weak” or “strong” response based on different stimuli. In identifying and correcting stress in the body through muscle monitoring, the body can realign and do what it is designed to do, heal itself.

Here is a quick break down of how it works:

It is widely accepted that dis-ease in the body is a result of stress, and the body is less capable of functioning optimally when in a stressed state. Stress impairs normal muscle function as it inhibits the electrical impulses that travel through the nerves between the brain and the body, which is reflected in the central nervous system through “weak” muscle responses. The aim of kinesiology is to use this technique to uncover the root cause of an individual’s symptoms, dysfunction or dis-ease. This could include analysing vital information in the following areas; muscle, organ or gland health, emotional health, mental health, nutritional health or energetic health.

Once the root of the imbalance is identified, one or more of the following methods can be used to restore balance:

  • Acupressure points

  • Chakra and meridian balancing

  • Emotional stress release

  • Neurological techniques

  • Nutritional balancing

  • Structural techniques

  • Physiological vials

  • Oracle cards

  • Sound therapy

  • Affirmations

  • Flower essences

  • Crystal therapy

  • Essential oils

  • Grounding techniques